Revitalizing Diné Sheep Economy
The need for businesses is grave on the Navajo Nation. According to the 2009-2010 Navajo Nation Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, the Navajo Nation’s unemployment rate increased over a seven-year period from 42.16% in 2001 to 50.52% in 2007. Many Diné families raise sheep and goats for subsistence purposes. TLE’s emerging Sheep Economy Program is designed to build the capacity of sheep and goat producers, to increase the quality of their herds, and to provide technical assistance.
TLE in conjunction with Diné Hózhó & Cooperative Catalysis of New Mexico is in the process of forming a Navajo owned co-operative non-profit for the benefit of Navajo agricultural, ranching, and craft producers. Cooperative activities are a natural part of the Navajo social structure.
Navajo Lamb
The Navajo Lamb test launch is the first step the Dine Regenerative Agricultural Cooperative and it's partners will facilitate to demonstrate the marketability for Navajo-raised sheep products in external and internal markets.
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Navajo Meat Harvest Facility
With a Navajo-owned harvest facility, we can determine how our sheep are raised, butchered, and marketed to internal and external markets. The Dine Regenerative Agricultural Cooperative's vision includes reinvigorating responsible land stewardship, increasing the biodiversity for optimal grazing lands, and implementing regenerative lifeways.