Bill Edwards
Bill had a long history of entrepreneurial ventures, non-profit management and coordination. He was a former production grower with market experience, and a lifetime gardener. Because of his experience and insight into economic development on Native lands, he was a member of the Navajo Nation Vice-President’s Gardening Advisory Committee.
1980–1999 Owner of Blue Earth Trading Co, Abiquiu, NM
1986—1999 Agricultural Producer Three acres of high value cash crops under cultivation. Marketed to Wild Oats, a large organic retail outlet. Marketed to local farmers market, Ghost Ranch, and local restaurants. Established a working relationship with local chefs. Helped to organize a food co-op for local community members.
1990 helped organize Espanola, NM chapter of American GI Forum (a Hispanic veterans service organization) Served as Vice-President.
2001 Helped organize Las Vegas Chapter of National Association of Black Veterans. Served as Treasurer.
2002—2004 Marketing Specialist Advisor to inter-tribal Native American agricultural projects Managed to introduce modern marketing techniques to improve profitability and sustainability of community agricultural projects. American Agriculture Tech Adviser and Marketing Manager Muskogee, OK2007
2008 to 2021 On Board of Directors for Walk With Warrior Inc. National Native Veterans Organization. Advocates for a Native American Veteran’s Day.
Manages the web site for the organization through Phoenix Media One.
2006 –2009 Vice-President Tolani Lake Enterprises Inc. Tolani Lake, AZ
2010- Business manager, grant writer for North Leupp Family Farms.
2008 –2010 Vice-President North Leupp Family Farm
2008 to 2021 Sole proprietor of Phoenix Media One a consulting and digital media company. Client acquisition, web design, SEO, Internet leverage.
2010 Consultant to First Nations Development Institute. Non-profit capacity building workshops/board governance.
2011 to 2021 Certified Grant writer/ American grant writers association.
2011 to 2021 Consultant/Technical Advisor for nonprofit organizations on Navajo. Non-profit capacity building workshops, board governance workshops and grant writing workshops.
2014-2016 Conducted capacity building workshops, and served as the local liaison for the cooperative members of 14R Inc. (Navajo Beef Program) facilitated workshop to integrate traditional cultural values into the cooperative structure
2016 to 2021 Consulting for a coalition of nonprofits to develop a food sovereignty policy for the Navajo Nation
2016 to 2021 Consulting for Dine’ Hozho (LC3) to establish a producer owned coop for sheep producers.
1997 to 2021 Conduct sweat lodges for PTSD Viet Nam Vets, and incarcerated vets.